Comfort and Safety Top of Mind for Log Homeowner

Designing for Winter's Worst


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Single Family Housing


Product(s) Installed:


George and Barbara Weinshenk


Northern New York


11 zones of heating, including 8 radiant and 3 high temperature zones, plus the indirect-fired water heater.

Sales Representative

Emerson Swan

What Client Needed

Radiant heat for comfort, indoor air quality, and plumbing in their new 9,000 s.f. log home


5 miles of Onix tubing

Result (ROI)

A "whole-house" approach that incorporates comfort, health and safety, durability and energy efficiency into one comprehensive package.

Dave Sellers
Dave Sellers Mechanical

"Since Onix has direct, tight contact with the sub floor, it transfers the heat efficiently, and requires stapling only every eight inches. It works like rope - so we can get it easily into tight spaces, into corners and around angles, going places PEX won't go, and it doesn't have any expansion issues. We can get up to 40 or more BTUs per square foot with Onix if we need it."