The Best Addition to Your Home Automation System
Home Automation Integration
Home automation allows you to control your entire home through touch panels and mobile devices-- from indoor climate and security to audio, video, and lighting. Custom homes often have a home automation systems with radiant floor heating systems installed for the very best in indoor comfort. Access and set tekmar radiant floor thermostats using third-party home automation systems with the tekmarNet® Gateway 482.Due to the long heat up times required for radiant floor heating systems, traditional thermostats designed for furnaces and forced air heating are often found to perform poorly. As a result the floor temperature cycles up and down, thereby compromising indoor comfort.
tekmar thermostats are designed specifically for radiant floor heating systems. Our pulse width modulation (PWM) technology periodically pulses heat to the floor, thus maintaining steady floor temperature and providing the ultimate indoor comfort experience.
Each thermostat’s room temperature can be monitored and the heat, cool, fan, and mode (off, heat, cool, auto) settings can be adjusted from a home automation touch panel. In addition, the home automation system can monitor the outdoor air temperature in real time.
The Gateway 482 is compatible with the following home automation systems: